Friday, July 23, 2010

Aiden's 1yr photo shoot.

Aiden turned one on July 16th. We have had an amazing year with him. He has taught Steph and I so many life lessons. It is such a blessing being a parent. We thank God daily for this little bundle of joy. Aiden is the happiest baby I have ever known, many people would agree. He is always smiling and laughing. He spends his days running around, yes, I said running. He loves playing with Jake our chocolate lab, as well as making Mommy chase him around. Please enjoy these pictures that Becca Rich took for us. WE LOVE YOU AIDEN!!

I will post some pictures of his 1st birthday on the next Blog. I hope you enjoyed these, if you are luck enough to know Aiden you would know the joy he brings to everyone!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Here are some videos that make me Laugh Out Loud.

I know everyone has seen this, but, it is very funny!!

I love my fellow Koreans!!

Same dude different song!

Paul Lekakis sure knows how to woo the ladies...Or guys.

This is the Obama I can dig!

All I can say is RIP MJ & GOLIMAR!!!!!

Ghetto Italian Food?? You decide!

Chris Rock describes it so beautifully


I love this show, this is only a portion of my favorite episode

Love me some Arj

I love Bollywood!!

Alright, now that I have wasted your time. I hope you enjoyed a little bit of what makes me laugh. There are plenty more to come, I just didn't want to overload you with giggles!!