Friday, July 22, 2011


I still cannot stop thanking God for such an amazing blessing that is Aiden. He is so wonderful and amazing while at the same time a crazy little boy! I am so thankful and blessed to have such an amazing wife that takes care of Aiden, she is stronger than anyone I know, especially considering she is pregnant with our beautiful daughter who is due in just a couple short months. I cannot believe it has been 2 years since Aiden was born, I am greatly impressed at how smart, funny, energetic, and loving he is! Happy Birthday son, your Mommy and Daddy are proud of you!

Just like Daddy, taking pictures.  

He knows cakes and presents are coming!

But first, Pizza time!


Toy Story, his favorite!

Good gift Papa!

It's as big as him!!

"hmmmm, what toy will I play with first?"

Chef Aiden!

Dinosaur eating woody, Uncle Paul lookin creepy ;)

CAKE!! He doesn't look excited at all...

Make a wish! He wishes he could just eat that cake!


Poor little guy, sooo tired he fell asleep holding his favorite gifts, which Mommy & Daddy got him.

We love you Aiden! Happy Birthday son!

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