Tuesday, May 25, 2010

LOST Finale

It had to be the most excited I have ever been for a TV show. Finally a show that made you really think. A show that integrated fantasy and real life situations so well. Yes, I am talking about LOST. Many years ago I was a total Anti-LOST person. While in college there was a group that met every week to watch the show and than discuss its deeper meanings, due to this strange following I was automatically turned off. Normally when that many people are into something it isn't something that I like. I mean seriously, this seemed like one of the pathetic Twilight or Harry Potter followings..<>WARNING TANGENT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN<> Okay.... Twilight & Harry Potter is for kids. If you have your license than you should not be reading this crap, and if you are an adult and don't have a license or live in your parents basement than I guess it is OK for you to read it. I apologize for that tangent and I also apologize to any friends of mine that I offended, but don't worry I am confident that you will rise above young adult readings :)

Back to LOST. So leading up to the season finale I felt very bitter and very sweet. Bitter due to the fact that my lustful relationship with LOST was ending, more so LOST was breaking up with me and no amount of love notes or flowers was going to stop it. Sweet because I also felt like a prisoner to its clever writing and attention to detail. I also felt like a prisoner because it consumed so much of my thoughts, I mean is it wrong that I wanted to name Aiden after a character of LOST? I think the only reason I didn't was because I was too afraid that in the end that character may have been the bad guy the whole time :)

So I along with my wife Stephanie, Chris & Ellie Carr set out to make this finale a hit. With easily over $600.00 invested in the party we decorated each room of my house to a LOST theme. I bought all the Wild Boar I could find. We had a Dharma training room with training videos and binders, a Dharma kitchen and even replicated the caves where we watched it, not to mention killer invites. What was on the menu you ask?

The LOST Menu

>Wild Boar sausage style with a caramelized onion and an Island style glaze.

>Caribbean style meat balls

>Breaded shrimp with a lemon white wine reduction sauce

>Fried Rice (thank-you Rich's)

>Jerk style slow roasted pork ribs(thank-you Evarts)

>Island Ceviche(thank-you Carrs)

>Homemade Guacamole(thank-you Clarks)

>Amazing exotic fruit spread

>Various side dishes

All of this you can see on my Facebook page. We were set, with about 14 people in attendance, oh we had rules for watching the finale:

Rule 1. No talking during LOST
Rule 2. No bathroom during LOST

Rule 3. Absolutely no talking during LOST

We all sat there in anticipation. What were we going to find out? I had so many questions. It was like in a relationship when the other person tells you we need to have a "talk" Was it going to be good? Was it going to be bad? Well LOST, I was prepared for anything. Just give it to me. For 180 minutes it just kinda gave it to me. It was unclear if we were over. I needed more, I needed specifics. It felt like it was a completely different storyline after all these years.

I was very unsatisfied! They answered very little about a lot of things. Here is what I gathered, I believe that there was a Purgatory. Not the island like many of us thought, but the flash sideways or the alternate lives was the purgatory. See the crash did happen, they did survive, some did return and went back to the island. They died on the island and went on to live in the spiritual world or purgatory type world, which we thought was the alternate reality. In this purgatory they could not move on until they had "let go" Notice how Locke told Jack that he hopes that someone can do for him what he did for Locke? He did not mean the surgery, he meant the fact that he was able to let go. Also, when Jack said he had to go and see his son Locke reminded him that he didn't have a son. Also Jack did end up with Kate. Sawyer ended up with Juliet. Sayid ended up with Shannon. Charlie ended up with Claire, etc. You get the point.

Once everyone was ready and was able to "let go" they were able to move onto the church area where they could all meet. Jack's dad did tell Jack that this place wasn't real it was created by you guys. Jack's dad also stated there "here there is no now" because "this place" does not really exist. You than find out they are all dead. They had to get their closure, they had to let go before they could move on. We also have to let go of "time" We do not really know what the time gap was between each one was that made it to the church. For example. Hurley and Ben were the ones to take over the island when Jack died. We saw nothing of them taking care of the island, what we did see was Hurley telling Ben he was always a great number 2 and Ben tells Hurley he was always a great number one. This insinuates that they did there job for some time and now Hurley was done and he moved on. Everyone died at different times and at different times everyone "let go" Notice how Michael wasn't at the church? He was a bad man!

Here is my biggest issue. What the crap about the island? They never really answered anything about it. What was the real purpose of the island? What was REALLY behind the Dharma initiative? Why was Walt so special?? I mean the list goes on.

I really feel like this was an easy route for them. I would have been OK with the inaccurate meaning of life and death if they would have answered some questions about everything else, but they just left too much out. After all this time spent on the island, Dharma, Jacob, etc. one would think they would give some real closure. One of my biggest complaints was the sad reality of what people believe is life after death and how to achieve it. I wont go into it but LOST was displaying a poor explanation of this. Really Christian Shepherd? This is the guy who brought the finale all together? This poor excuse for a man and father who is a raging alcoholic which ended up being his killer. The play on words with his name is just pathetic to me.

They should have had one more episode to answer all island questions than the finale, I am not too sure why they didn't. Also instead of almost having an hour of commercials they could have answered some stuff.

I do not believe any "REAL" LOST fan can be really satisfied with the ending. If you are a real fan and you say you are satisfied I would just like to tell you it is OK to admit you were a little duped and you can LET GO and mourn with us who are honest with ourselves. All that being said I am still a fan, I am still in love with you LOST, I just did not like how you ended it with me. We do not have closure. There will always be a place in my heart for you. I know I sound very obsessed and very single, but I am not. I am just overly analytical. I will say with the pre-party we had it was the time of my life. Great friends having a good time.