Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Aiden Update!!

Ok, so man, oh man is he growing up. He is sooo cute and so much fun. He is crawling and baby talkin like crazy. He is now moved to eating food including; oatmeal, fuits, & veggies. We make our own baby food using organic ingredients which is way good for him and really economical. He is now 6 1/2 months.

He has 2 teeth that have grown in the bottom and 1 tooth coming through on the top. He is such a happy baby. He gets to stay home with Mommy and play and learn all day long. He is such a blessing to Stephanie and I. We are so greatful for all the things that God has done for us. Aiden has put such a new perspective on life. Every second I am away from Stephanie and Aiden is so painful. I need to win the World Series of Poker so I can just stay home and be with my family.

LOL.. Wasn't buying beer, same
aisle as the cheese.