Thursday, November 5, 2009


Just thought I would update people on how things are going. And so..

Things are great. The house is coming along. I had a long road to try and get the yard in better shape, it looked like the Sahara before. After some lawn treatment it is coming along. Check out the before and after.

Aiden is doing so great. Growing so fast and interacting so much with us more and more eachday. We love him to death!! He is the best thing to happen to us, It is such a joy to have such a wonderful family. I cannot wait to get home to see my wonderful wife and amazing boy! He is such a happy baby, always laughing, always smiling. Check out some of his more recent pics. I love his Halloween costume!

So that is life so far, when I have more time I will have more info and more pics for you. Stay tuned.....