Friday, August 7, 2009

My Family.

I met my wife 6 years ago at college in Portland, Oregon. We started dating on Halloween, my favorite holiday :)

(Us 6 years ago)

On February 17 2007 I proposed to Stephanie at the same location I asked her out. I had a couple of my friends hide and take pictures of the proposal like a couple of paparazzi. It was classic and even more so having it secretly photographed by my friends.

(That is the exact spot 3 years earlier where I asked her to be my girlfriend)

October 19th 2007 we were married in Seattle. Had and amazingly beautiful wedding. It was so great to have our family and friends join us for such a wonderful occasion. My bride was the most beautiful of all brides in the world.

We went on the most amazing honeymoon ever. We stayed at a 5 star hotel on Waikiki called The Halekulani. It had a private beach. This place was over the top amazing. Obama would stay here when vacationing. I am assuming he will be staying somewhere else from now on.

(One of the pools we had) (Fresh fruit for breakfast plus a guest)

Did a lot of cool sight seeing and went on some crazy adventures which include taking a wrong turn on our mopeds and ending up on the freeway. Also, ran into one of our favorite UFC fighters at a little breakfast joint, pretty random but awesome.

Our honeymoon was a blast. 

Our first christmas we made an addition to our family! We got a chocolate lab!!


About a year and a half goes by and I get a call from Steph and work, she asks me if there is any way I can come home for a lunch break. She tells me it is because she just found out we are pregnant.

Words could not explain the joy I felt when we found out. We were so excited for this big news. We both really wanted to be parents. We were specifically trying at that moment in time for children but we felt so blessed that we did.

I made sure of it that I went to every appointment she had. The Ultrasounds were amazing. God is so good and wonderful about the creation of life.

So big things were happening. Of course we went into freak mode a couple of times about being new parents. One thing we knew for sure is we wanted to be in a house before HE arrived. Had about 9 months thought it would be easy. Not so much.

We looked for months, even made offers and a few houses. Finally a month and a half before his due date we made and offer on a beautiful home and they accepted. We filled out paper work and they said it was just a matter of processing the paperwork. A week goes by, still processing. 2 weeks go by still processing. 2 more weeks go by and one week till the baby and no house.

(About 6 months)                              (About 6 days away from birth)

Finally, the day we have been waiting for for 9 months. July 16 2009 Aiden Anthony Willams was born. 7 pounds 6 ounces, 2o inches long.

Our little guy did have some respiratory issues which kept us and him in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

Thank the Lord for technology and amazing staff, after a week our little guy pulled through and was perfectly fine. We were in there for 7 days which felt like a million years. Only once did we step outside. We stayed in the hospital and visited him every 2 hours for about an hour and a half.

We just kept waiting for the day they let us go home. Everyday he was getting better and better. The nurse comes in one morning and says how would you like to take him home?! We were so excited. We got to take our tough guy home after a week.

We are sitting at our place with some family around so glad to be out of the hospital when our agent calls and says.... Guess what?! I have the keys to your new house!! Holy cow we were excited. Aiden lived approximately 2hrs at our old place before we started moving into our beautiful home.

Things have been great. Aiden is about 3 weeks old now and as cute as can be. Steph & I are doing great, staying busy with the new house and new baby. God is good.

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